Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 Projects---- not resolutions

You may call them resolutions but I rather call them projects. I had a roommate that was the best at these. She even had them divided out in categories. I loved it!

1. 365 in photos - The concept is submitting a photo for each day of the year. I am doing a weekly collage. This should be loads of fun and keep me from getting buried in non-creative things.

2. Be a better blogger. It has been too easy to post something fast on facebook and twitter. I have been writing but it has been more shorts on a travel blog. I need to revamp this blog and make it interesting again. I wasn't good at keeping up two blogs last year.

3. Branch out on my reading. I am a avid ready but have been stuck in a reading rut lately.

4. Keep up on my hip/back PT. This time last year I was in soooo much pain. I don't want to get that way again. Plus working out is always on everyone's list

5. Really plan out my summer vacation.... London/Denmark/Scandinavia here I come!!

6. Start looking at a monthly projects. Even it is just organizing my closet.

7. Make time to see the niece/ nephews more. They are going up soooo fast

That is it for now! I am sure I will revise it soon.


Kelli Nørgaard said...

Everything on the list sounds great...and DOable! Hope to connect when you head this way!

Jeanne Henriques said...

Sounds like a great list to me Lisa...especially like the 365 photos! How is it going ?

Jeanne xx

Jeanne Henriques said...

Sounds like a great list to me Lisa...especially like the 365 photos! How is it going ?

Jeanne xx