Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top 11 of 2011

I was looking at the photos of the past year and realized what a wonderful year it truly was. Don't get me wrong, I had days that I thought I was losing my mind. But overall alot happened.

just some thoughts

  1. Brother's vacation tuned into the Neiman flu epedemic
  2. Met an amazing couple that I had only talked to via blog
  3. Travelled to Denmark and fell in love.... with the country and people
  4. Realized the kindness of others ie. missing backpack in Denmark
  5. Started to think long-term in 'gasp' Missouri and pushed to finish Masters
  6. Sat 1st row at David Tennant play in London
  7. For the first time rented a flat in London while visiting
  8. Spent xmas just with 1 nephew. Got to know his 3yrold personality
  9. Got a kitty.... and  it has survived longer then my plants
  10. Realized that bro and family MUST move closer or I am moving in. LOL!
  11. Created new friendships, ended a relationship, saw what I want and am striving to get it for myself, and realized the limits of other friendships


Kelli Nørgaard said...

I think that is a PRETTY great list and glad we got to be a part of it!!!!

Linda said...

Hi Lisa, thanks for visiting my blog. You seem to have a pretty hectic life! The Scandinavian countries are wonderful - glad you enjoyed Denmark.